Autor/autori: Dr. ing. Doru CIOCLEA, Dr. ing. Constantin LUPU, Ing. Liviu JURCA, Dr. ing. Ion TOTH, Ing. Ion GHERGHE, Ing. Corneliu BOANTA

Rezumat: Pentru asigurarea conditiilor optime de securitate si sanatate in munca, pentru personalul care lucreaza in atmosfere potential explozive si/sau toxice, se utilizeaza instalatii speciale de ventilatie. In cazul desfasurarii activitatii in subteran, problema devine extrem de complexa deoarece reteaua de aeraj este complex diagonala si insumeaza zeci de kilometri. De asemenea, reteaua de lucrari miniere este in continua modificare, iar repartitia debitelor de aer la nivelul fiecarei ramificatii este dificil de realizat. /1, 3/ Rezolvarea retelelor de aeraj prin utilizarea metodelor clasice este laborioasa si dificil de aplicat, insa prin utilizarea tehnologiilor noi, de exemplu a programelor specializate si a tehnicii de calcul, aceasta necesitate este accesibila. Pentru rezolvarea retelei de ventilatie aferenta minei Paroseni s-a utilizat programul CANVENT, conceput in Canada, cu ajutorul caruia s-a putut obtine atât rezolvarea retelei de baza cât si simularea unor situatii tehnic posibile care sa implice modificari majore in ceea ce priveste repartitia debitelor de aer. In lucrare se prezinta atât elementele specifice privind rezolvarea retelei de ventilatie cat si simularile mentionate anterior.

Cuvinte cheie: ventilatie miniera, software, simulare retele aeraj

Abstract: For providing the best possible occupational health and safety conditions for the staff working in potential explosive and/or toxic atmospheres, there are used special ventilation installations. For the case of underground operations, this aspect is quite complex because the ventilation network covers tens of kilometers. Also, the mining network is in a continuous change and consequently, the distribution of air flows along each branch is quite difficult to be made. The settlement of ventilation networks with the help of classical methods needs a lot of time and is difficult to be implemented; nevertheless the use of new methods, for ex. of new expert software, represents an accessible option. In order to settle the ventilation network related to Paro?eni mine, there has been used a Canadian expert software called CANVENT; as a result, there was settled both the basic network and there were simulated certain possible technical conditions that involved major changes regarding the distribution of air flows. This paper presents both the specific elements regarding the settlement of the ventilation network and the above said simulations.

Keywords: mining ventilation, software, ventilation network analysis