Autor/autori: Assoc. Prof. Dan Doru MICU, PhD. Stud. Levente CZUMBIL, Ass. Prof. Georgios CHRISTOFORIDIS (Grecia), Lecturer. Denisa STET

Rezumat: Lucrarea studiaza interferentele electromagnetice dintre linii electrice aeriene de inalta tensiunse (LEA IT) si conductele metalice (CM) supra sau subterane din apropierea acestora. In vederea evaluarii interfernetelor de c.a., datorate cuplajelor inductive si capacitive, induse in CM s-a adoptat un model de circuit electric echivalent. Pentru a construi si rezolva modelul de circuit electric aferent unei probleme de interferenta LEA-CM autorii au dezvoltat o aplicatie software cu o interfata prietenoasa, InterfStud. In scopul testarii programului prezerntat probleme clasice de inteferenta LEA-CM au fost studiate. Rezultatele obtinute au fost comparate cu cele furnizate de pachetul de programe CDEGS.

Cuvinte cheie: curenti si tensiuni induse, cuplaje inductive si capacitive, model de circuit electric echivalent, aplicatie software.

Abstract: The paper studies the electromagnetic interferences between high voltage power lines (HVPL) and nearby above ground or underground metallic pipelines (MP). To evaluate the induced AC interfernce in MP, as effect of inductive and capacitive couplings, an equivalent electrical circuit approach has been adopted. A user friendly software application,InterfStud, has been developed by the authors to create and solve the equivalent electrical circuit model of any HVPL-MP interference problem. To test the implemented software application classical HVPL-MP problems are studied. The obtained induced current and voltage values are compared with ones given by professional CDEGS software package

Keywords: induced currents and voltages, inductive and capacitive couplings, equivalent electrical circuit model, software application.