Autor/autori: Assoc. Prof. Eng. Valentin GUTU, PhD

Rezumat: Lucrarea prezinta o analiza comparativa a zgomotului electronic propriu ale dispozitivelor de selectie a semnalelor prin frecventa, analogice si numerice. Se trage concluzia ca filtrele numerice, asigurand un grad mai inalt de stabilitate contra perturbatiilor exterioare (campuri electrostatice si magnetice, interferente si bruiaj, etc.) poseda un nivel considerabil de zgomot propriu; acesta depaseste considerabil nivelul zgomotului propriu al filtrelor traditionale analogice active, de tip RC. Prin urmare filtrele numerice necesita un raport semnal/zgomot mult mai avansat.

Cuvinte cheie: analog, digital, filtru activ, frecventa, functie trece-jos, zgomot electronic propriu

Abstract: This paper prezents a comparative analy sis of selection devices signals by frequency, analog and digital, in terms of their own electronic noise. Pull a conclsion that numerical filters, providing a higher degree of functional stability against disturbances (electrostatic and magnetic fields, lightning, interference and jamming, etc.) has a considerable level of self noise, it exceeds (ten times) noise of filters its traditional analog active RC type. For a well functioning the digital filters requires a high signal/noise more advanced.

Keywords: active filter, analog, digital, frequency, low - pass function, own electronic noise