Elaborarea unei colectii de produse de incaltaminte prin structurarea familiilor de modele

Autor/autori: Ing. Mariana Pastina, Conf. dr. ing. Aura Mihai, Ing. Stan Mitu

Rezumat: In cadrul acestei lucrari se propune o metodologie de structurare ierarhica a unei familii de modele, pornind de la un model de baza. Modelul de referinta precum si modelele dezvoltate in cadrul colectiei au fost proiectate interactiv, cu ajutorul sistemului integrat Delcam-Crispin. Rezultatul consta intr-o vizualizare 3D realistica a modelelor colectiei, ideala pentru prezentari virtuale adresate beneficiarului inainte ca prototipul sa fie efectiv realizat. Procesul de analiza si de selectie are la baza o serie de criterii bine stabilite si se poate derula avind la dispozitie aceste modele virtuale,cu efecte deosebite asupra reducerii costurilor cu elaborarea prototipurilor. Lucrarea contine si un studiu pe baza de chestionar, efectuat pe un anumit esantion, iar rezultatele acestui studiu evidentiaza modul practic de selectare a modelelor in vederea introducerii in fabricatie.

Cuvinte cheie: design, proiectare, familie de modele, chestionar

Abstract: The aim of this study was to develop an adapted methodology for building changeable variants from a generic footwear product. The reference model and the models developed for the collection were interactively designed, with the help of Delcam-Crispin integrated system. The result is a realistic 3D view of the collection models, ideal for virtual presentations to the beneficiary, before the prototype is actually achieved. Analysis and selection process is based on a number of well established criteria and it can be done through these virtual models, with real cost reducing effects on the prototypes. The paper also contains a questionnaire-based study and its results highlight the practical selection of footwear models before the manufacturing process starts.

Keywords: design, footwear, product family, questionnaire-based study.