Autor/autori: Dr. eng. Malgorzata MATUSIAK

Rezumat: În general, ţesăturile sunt considerate materiale textile plane (2D - bidimensionale). Aceasta se datorează faptului că a treia lor dimensiune - grosimea este neglijabil mai mica, în comparaţie cu celelalte două dimensiuni: lungimea și lăţimea. Cu toate acestea, există și produse, ţesute sau tricotate, care sunt considerate 3D (tridimensionale) sau 2D +. O definiţie comună de bază a ţesăturilor 3D este aceea că aceste tipuri de ţesături au o a treia dimensiune, respectiv grosimea. În acest grup putem include: tricoturi spaţiale, ţesături multistrat, ţesături plisate, ţesături plușate, catifele, ţesături creponate, etc.

Cuvinte cheie: ţesătură creponată, efect de cutare, proprietăţi mecanice, rezistenţă termică, permeabilitate la aer.

Abstract: Generally, the woven fabrics are considered as flat (2D – two-dimensional) textile materials. It is due to the fact that their third dimension – thickness is negligibly small in comparison with their other two dimensions: length and width. However, there are also fabrics, woven or knitted, which are considered as 3D (three-dimensional) or 2D+. A basic common definition of the 3D fabrics is that these types of fabrics have a third dimension in the thickness layer. Into this group we can include: knitted spacer fabrics, multilayer fabrics, plisse or pleated fabrics, terry fabrics, velvet fabrics, seersucker fabrics, etc. The aim of presented work was to investigate the basic structural, mechanical and utility properties of the seersucker woven fabrics. A typical seersucker structure is characterized by an occurring the puckered strips in warp direction. Usually they are manufactured on loom by an application of two warps of different tension. In presented work the seersucker fabrics were made on the basis of the same set of warps: basic and puckering and different kinds of weft yarns. Investigation confirmed that an application of different weft yarns significantly influences the structure and properties of the seersucker woven fabrics.

Keywords: seersucker fabric, puckering effect, mechanical properties, thermal resistance, air permeability.