Autor/autori: Conf. dr. ing.Timur CHIS

Rezumat: Lucrarea prezinta modul de reabilitare a conductelor de transport titei de la subtraversarea Dunarii. Sistemul de transport al titeiului din import are in zona Dunarii o subtraversare formata din 10 fire cu diametru de 12 3⁄4 inch. Sistemul este instalat in anul 1969 si nu a beneficiat de o intretinere si control de la darea in folosinta. Pornind de la riscul de poluare mare a Dunarii articolul de fata prezinta modul de reabilitare a acestui sistem.

Cuvinte cheie: Transport titei prin conducte, reabilitare conducte, subtraversare Dunăre.

Abstract: This paper present the rehabilitation of the oil pipeline phylosophy, for the Danube Crossing Pipeline. Imported oil is transporting by pipeline by Constanta Harbor to the different refineries throughout the country.In Cernavoda Area Imported oil pipeline System crossing Danube by the complex of 10 pipelines of 12 3⁄4 inch diameter. The system was installed in 1969. After installation the system was not submitted to any special inspection and corrosion cracking study. As a consequence, risk of pollution Danube River is now very high. This paper preseted a complex rehabilitation program.

Keywords: Oil pipeline, pileine rehabilitation, croasing Danube.