Autor/autori: Conf. dr. ing. Carmen PAPADOPOL, Mariana ARNOLD

Rezumat: Secolul al XXI-lea este puternic marcat de problemele tehnologice si tehnice, de mediu, viata si educatie pentru viata. Dezvoltarea accelerata si necontrolata a unor sectoare de activitate a facut ca, in prezent, intreaga omenire sa se afle sub impactul actiunii potrivnice a mediului asupra vietii. Noi, ca ingineri si pedagogi, trebuie sa actionam cat mai hotarat, sa prezentam programe eficiente, sa impunem noi tehnologii, noi instalatii si proiecte cat mai „curate“ pentru continuarea vietii si pastrarea unui climat sanatos. Vom antrena tinerii, pentru ca inginerii vor avea si in viitor menirea sa coopereze cu orice sector de activitate.

Cuvinte cheie: tehnica, inginer, educatie.

Abstract: The XXIst century is strongly influenced by technological problems, environment, life end education for life. The speed and uncontrolled development of some domains of activity determined the fact that nowadays the whole humanity is menaced by a nuisible activity of the environment on life. We, as engineers and teachers must act, develop efficient programs, impose new technologies, new installations and projects as „clean“ as possible in order to maintain life and a healthy climate. We have to train the youth, because, as engineers we’ll have the duty in the future too, to cooperate with any domain of activity

Keywords: technique, engineer, education