Autor/autori: Dr. Stefan IOVAN

Rezumat: Aceasta analiza arata ca pierderea de catre transportul feroviar a pozitiei pe piata transporturilor terestre se produce pe fondul unui regres semnificativ al sectorului feroviar. Se poate spune ca transportul feroviar a cedat pozitia pe piata prin pierderea unei parti din clientela traditionala si prin imposibilitatea de a raspunde cresterii cererii de transport. Situatia este valabila atat in traficul de calatori cat si in cel de marfa. Aceasta conduce la concluzia ca oferta transportului feroviar devine mai putin atractiva prin prisma raportului calitate / pret, ceea ce determina clientela sa se orienteze spre transportul rutier inclusiv pentru distante medii si lungi. Este evident ca fiecare dintre actorii relevanti ai sistemului feroviar (in principal managerul infrastructurii feroviare si operatorii de transport feroviar) au o contributie importanta la aceasta evolutie. Nu ne punem problema de a cuantifica aceste contributii. Trebuie remarcat ca transportul feroviar este dezavantajat in raport cu cel rutier datorita insuficientei reglementari legislative a pietei transporturilor terestre [1]. De exemplu, exista un mare dezechilibru in ceea ce priveste costurile de utilizare a infrastructurii de transport. Din informatiile disponibile, in cazul transportului feroviar de marfa acest cost reprezinta cca 25% din costul total al transportului, pe cand in transportul rutier de marfa costul utilizarii infrastructurii rutiere reprezinta in jur de 1% din costul transportului. Probabil ca situatia este similara si in traficul de calatori.

Cuvinte cheie: managementul traficului, operatori de transport, managerul de infrastructura, analiza de proces.

Abstract: This analysis shows that the loss of the rail transport market land position occurs against a significant setback rail sector. We can say that rail market position yielded by a loss of traditional customers and unable to respond to increased demand for transport. This is applicable both in passenger traffic as well as freight transport. This leads to the conclusion that rail offer becomes less attractive in terms of quality / price ratio, resulting in customers to turn to road transport including medium and long distances. It is obvious that each railway system relevant actors (mainly rail infrastructure manager and railway undertakings) have an important contribution to this development. We put the question to quantify these contributions. It should be noted that rail is disadvantaged in relation to the road due to insufficient legal regulations land transport market [1]. For example, there is a great imbalance in the costs of transport infrastructure. From the information available, if the cost of rail freight is about 25% of the total cost of transport, while the cost of using road haulage road is about 1% of the cost of transport. Perhaps the situation is similar in passenger traffic

Keywords: traffic management, transport operators, infrastructure manager, process analysis