Autor/autori: Ec. Raluca Francisca GALOS, Prof. dr. ing. Laura BACALI, Prof. dr. ing. Dorel BANABIC

Rezumat: Motivatia alegerii acestei teme consta in importanta tot mai mare pe care o are abordarea globala a afacerilor in economia de piata a noului mileniu. De asemenea, dat fiind faptul ca majoritatea studiilor efectuate pana acum privesc globalizarea din perspectiva sa teoretica, se creeaza posibilitatea unei contributii originale prin realizarea unor studii si cercetari din perspectiva economica, cu aplicatii in industrie. Globalizarea a devenit un concept la moda in diverse domenii de investigatie stiintifica, dar si in randul jurnalistilor care analizeaza fenomenele politice si socio-economice. In lucrare se prezinta o scurta istorie a dezvoltarii conceptului de globalizare precum si cateva exemple de globalizare in contextul actual. De asemenea este prezentata structura unui lant de proces globalizat specific industriei de automobile.

Cuvinte cheie: globalizare, istoric, perspective, structura unui lant de proces globalizat.

Abstract: The motivation for choosing this theme is the growing importance that global business is addressing the market economy of the new millennium. Also, since most studies to date on globalization in its theoretical perspective, it creates the possibility of original contributions by carrying out studies and research from an economic perspective, with applications in industry. Globalization has become a fashionable concept in various fields of scientific inquiry, but also among journalists who analyze political and socioeconomic phenomena. In this paper is presented a short history of the concept of globalization and some examples from the actual context. Also is presented the structure of the globalized process chain specific in the automotive industry.

Keywords: globalization, historical aspects, perspectives, structure of the globalized process chain