Autor/autori: Prof. em. dr. ing. Mircea BEJAN, Ing. Ioan VIDICAN, Ing. Ioan Aurel CHERECHES, Ing. Daniel Gheorghe LAKATOS

Rezumat: Articolul analizeaza aspecte ale sistemului educational romanesc. Se prezinta, pe scurt, starea actuala a invatamantului tehnic superior si se analizeaza unele cauze ale procesului continuu si accelerat de degradare a acestuia. Clasamentele Shanghai si al Ministerului Educatiei, Cercetarii, Tineretului si Sportului, sintetizeaza situatia prezenta a universitatilor romanesti. Articolul sugereaza unele masuri privind restructurarea sistemului educational romanesc in concordanta cu cerintele noii societati a cunoasterii, cu accent pe formarea noilor generatii de ingineri.

Cuvinte cheie: sistem educatinal, invatamant superior tehnic, clasamentele universitatilor romanesti, formarea noilor generatii de ingineri.

Abstract: The article examines aspects of the Romanian educational system. It is, in short, the current state of higher technical education and examines some of the causes of the continuous and accelerated the process of degradation. Shanghai rankings and the Ministry of education, research, youth and sport, summarizes the present state of Romanian universities. Article propose measures on restructuring the education system and in accordance with the requirements of the new knowledge-based society, with an emphasis on the training of new generations of engineers.

Keywords: higher education system, higher technical education, Romanian universities rankings, training new generations of engineers.