Autor/autori: Ing. Eugenia Alina ROMAN

Rezumat: Lucrarea prezinta o notiune relativ noua, cea de pol de schimb, pornind de la ideea ca in urbanism si amenajarea teritoriului programele actuale acorda o mare importanta incurajarii folosirii transporturilor publice si dezvoltarii durabilei. Polul de schimb reprezinta o solutie la problemele actuale ale orasului (lipsa acuta de spatiu si cresterea accentuata a mobilitatii individuale) prin planificarea schemei urbane care incurajeaza calatoriile pe distante scurte, mobilitatea individuala fiind redusa fara a fi limitata, in sensul suprimarii accesului la activitati si servicii. Prin studiul de caz realizat se analizeaza autogarile din Bucuresti, existente inainte si dupa anul 1989 si se fac propuneri asupra unor noi amplasamente ale acestora in vederea realizarii unor poli de schimb.

Cuvinte cheie: retea de transport, nod intermodal, pol de schimb

Abstract: This paper aims to present a relatively new concept, exchange pole, based on the idea that urbanism and land use programs attaches great importance to sustainable development and encourage public transport use. The exchange pole is a solution to current problems of the city (acute lack of space and strong growth in individual mobility). Through urban scheme planning they encourage short trips and they reduce individual mobility without suppressing access to activities and services. By means of this case study, the regional bus station in Bucharest existing before the year 1989 and currently are analyzed and new proposals are made on their new location in order to transform them into exchange pole

Keywords: transport network, intermodal hub, pole exchange