Autor/autori: Lecturer Eng. Catalin Petrea ION, PhD, Prof. Eng. Corneliu MARINESCU PhD

Rezumat: Aceasta lucrare prezinta un emulator de turbina hidraulica care faciliteaza analiza functionarii la nivel de laborator a microhidrocentralelor. Emulatorul este de fapt un sistem de actionare electrica cu control adecvat. Functionarea sa se bazeaza pe o bucla de control avand ca marimi de intrare cuplul electromagnetic estimat al motorului si gradul de deschidere al vanei de admisie a apei in turbine, iar ca marime de iesire turatia motorului. Cu ajutorul acestui emulator este testata functionarea unui generator asincron trifazat ce alimenteaza sarcini monofazate izolate

Cuvinte cheie: microhidrocentrale, generator asincron, sisteme de actionare electrica

Abstract: This paper deals with a hydro turbine emulator for micro hydro power plants analysis at laboratory level. The emulator is actually an electric drive system based on an induction motor with adequate control. Its operation relies on a control loop having as input parameters the estimated motor electromagnetic torque and the turbine gate opening, while the output parameter is the motor imposed rotational speed. With the help of this emulator the behaviour of a three-phase induction generator supplying isolated single-phase loads is tested

Keywords: hydro electric power generation, induction generator, induction motor drives