Autor/autori: PhD Student Eng. Dumitru FEDERENCIUC, Prof. PhD. Eng. Petru POSTOLACHE, PhD. Eng. Ioan SILVAS, Eng. Mihail TUDOR

Rezumat: Aceasta prezentare intentioneaza sa fie o evaluare a caracteristicilor de securitate a sistemelor inteligente de retea vs Costuri: 1. Cum pot sistemele Smart Grid ajuta in a face sistemul de energie electrica mai putin vulnerabil la intreruperile datorate la acte deliberate impotriva sistemului. 2. Cum pot sistemele Smart Grid ajuta la restabilirea integritatii sistemului de energie electrica in urma intreruperilor. 3. Cum pot sistemele Smart Grid facilita comunicarea la nivel national, interoperabila de urgenta si de control al sistemului energetic in situatii de urgenta locale, regionale, sau la nivel national. 4. Care sunt riscurile de care trebuie sa se tina seama avand in vedere ca sistemele de Smart Grid in cazul in care nu sunt atent realizate si administrate, pot crea vulnerabilitati si amenintari de securitate de orice fel, si modul in care aceste riscuri pot fi diminuate.

Cuvinte cheie: Smart Grid, riscuri, vulnerabilitati, costuri

Abstract: This presentation intend to be an evaluation of Security Attributes of Smart Grid Systems vs Costs: 1. How Smart Grid systems can help in making the electricity system less vulnerable to disruptions due to intentional acts against the system. 2. How Smart Grid systems can help in restoring the integrity of the electricity system subsequent to disruptions. 3. How Smart Grid systems can facilitate nationwide, interoperable emergency communications and control of the nation’s electricity system during times of localized, regional, or nationwide emergency. 4. What risks must be taken into account that Smart Grid systems may, if not carefully created and managed, create vulnerability to security threats of any sort, and how such risks may be mitigated.

Keywords: smart grid, risks, vulnerabilities, costs