Autor/autori: S.l. dr. ing. Maria Claudia SURUGIU, As. drd. ing. Ilona Madalina MOISE, As. drd. ing. Elena Alina STANCIU

Rezumat: Dezvoltarea sistemelor inteligente de transport (ITS) necesita informatii in timp real si de inalta calitate despre trafic. ITS este un sistem inovativ de transport ce poate sa asigure un mediu de transport sigur si ieftin dar in acelasi timp eficient prin conectarea sistemelor electronice, de comunicatii si de control la sistemele de transport existente cum sunt transportul rutier, feroviar, aerian, fluvial si maritim. De-a lungul ultimilor ani, sub presiunea tot mai mare pentru imbunatatirea managementului traficului, metodele de colectare a datelor despre trafic au evoluat considerabil si accesul la aceste informatii in timp real a devenit rutina in intreaga lume. Utilizarea senzorilor traditionali „pe drum” (de exemplu, bucle inductive) pentru colectarea de date este necesara, dar nu suficienta, datorita acoperirii lor limitate si costurilor ridicate de implementare si intretinere.

Cuvinte cheie: detectoare de trafic, sisteme inteligente de transport

Abstract: The development of intelligent transport systems (ITS) requires real-time and high quality information regarding the traffic. ITS is an inovative transport system that can ensure a safe, cheap and in the same time efficient transport medium through the connection of the electronic, communication and control systems to the already existing transportation systems, such as the road, rail, air, fluvial and sea. Over the recent years, under the increasing pressure for the improvement of the traffic management, the traffic data collection methods have evolved substantially and the real-time access to this information has become a routine habit all around the world. The usage of traditional “on road” sensors (inductive loops, for example) for the data gathering is necessary, but not sufficient, because of their limited coverage and high implementation and maintenance costs

Keywords: traffic detectors, intelligent transport systems