Autor/autori: Drd ing. Mircea IVANOIU, DEA

Rezumat: Cu tot mai mare frecventa in lumea academica intervin discutii de natura etica, este de fapt o „redescoperire” a importantei eticii in buna functionare a institutiilor de invatamant si in cercetarea universitara. Necesitatea unei educatii etice este demonstrata de faptul ca marile scoli de ingineri (EPFL, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal), la nivel mondial, discuta aceasta problema inca din etapa „undergraduate”. Lucrarea reaminteste cum utilizarea unui instrument relativ recent, constructal theory (A. Bejan), pune in evidenta discrepante de ordin etic si-si consolideaza pozitia de lege fizica (naturala). In perspectiva acestui parcurs documentar si aceea de vechi actor in sistem sunt devoalate cateva fracturi generatoare de tensiuni si conflicte etice in cercetarea universitara romaneasca din ultimele 2-3 decenii.

Cuvinte cheie: coduri etice in inginerie, conflict etic, cercetare in inginerie, risc social.

Abstract: In the academic world there occur ethical issues, sometimes with an increasing frequency. It is actually a ‘rediscovery’ of the importance of ethics for the proper functioning of education institutions and for the academic research as well. The need for ethical education is proved by the fact that the major schools of engineering, worldwide, discuss this issue at as early a stage as the ‘undergraduate’ level. This paper points out again that using a relatively new instrument, called “constructal theory” (A. Bejan), can reveal ethical discrepancies and strengthens its position of being a physical (natural) law. As a consequence of following this documentary path and of being an old ‘performer’ in the system, we noticed some fractures which could generate tensions and ethical conflicts within Romanian university research over the last 2-3 decades.

Keywords: ethical codes in engineering, ethical conflict, research in engineering, social risks