Autor/autori: Drd. ing. Ciprian Petrica DIACONU, Ing. Gheorghe Corneliu MORARU, Prof. univ. dr. ing. dr. h. c. Ioan CURTU

Rezumat: In lucrare este prezentata o noua structura sferica, principial asemanatoare cu cupolele sferice. La conceperea sa s-au folosit notiuni amplu studiate de marii matematicieni din toate timpurile, incepand inca din Antichitate, prin Pitagora, Platon si Euclid, continuand cu Evul Mediu, unde ii putem aminti pe Leonardo Da Vinci si Fibonacci si terminand cu celebrele „domuri geodezice” ale lui R. B. Fuller. Notiunile se refera la studiul „Numarului de aur”, a Pentagonului Regulat si a corpurilor inscriptibile in sfere. Autorii propun noi solutii constructive pentru imbinarile din noduri, pentru asamblarea barelor folosindu-se o metoda originala, iar pentru a indeplini cerintele unei structuri moderne, se cauta metode de producere proprie de energie, folosirea de materiale ecologice, cost minim de intretinere si executie etc. Structura studiata (teoretic si realizata practic) este caracterizata prin: barele sunt egale; intreg volumul este util; este de cca 4 ÷ 5 ori mai ieftina decat structurile obisnuite; durata redusa de executie; imbinarile celor trei bare din noduri sunt rigide si articulate s.a.

Cuvinte cheie: cupola sferica, dom geodezic, poligoane regulate, hexagoane regulate

Abstract: The paper contains the presentation of a new spherical structure, mainly resembling to spherical domes. To its conception contributed concepts studied broad by great mathematicians from all times, starting from the Antiquity through Pythagoras, Platen and Euclid, continuing in the Middle Ages, where we can mention Leonardo Da Vinci and Fibonacci and ending with R.B. Fuller’s famous geodesic domes. Concepts refer to the study of “The golden number”, the regular pentagon and solids recordable in spheres. The authors propose new constructive solutions for fixed joining in junctions, for assembling bars using an original method and in order to fulfill the requirements of a modern structure, methods of self energy production and the employment of ecological materials, minimal maintenance and execution cost. The studied structure (theoretically and practically accomplished) is characterized by: the bars are equal; the entire capacity is of use; it is 4-5 times cheaper than a regular structure; narrow execution period; the fixed joining of the three bars from the junctions are rigid and articulate.

Keywords: spherical dome, geodesic dome, regular polygons, regular hexagons