Autor/autori: Dr. ing. Mihai MAGYARI, Drd. ing. Sorin BURIAN, Dr. ing. Martin FRIEDMANN, Dr. ing. Lucian MOLDOVAN

Rezumat: Scopul lucrarii este de a efectua o analiza critica asupra celor mai importante cauze care conduc la transmiterea exploziei ( transferul aprinderii ), in timpul incercarilor de tip privind netransmiterea unei aprinderi interne la motoarele electrice destinate folosirii in atmosfere potential explozive de gaze, vapori, ceturi cu aer. In prima parte a lucrarii sunt prezentate criteriile tehnice care stau la baza cercetarii capsularilor antideflagrante, si anume: rezistenta mecanica a capsularilor functie de presiunile interne de explozie, pe de o parte, si proprietatile capsularilor antideflagrante in cea ce priveste netransmiterea unei aprinderi interne, pe de alta parte. In continuare se prezinta cateva consideratii teoretice cu privire la studiul procesului transmiterii exploziei, observandu-se dependenta importanta a vitezei de reactie si a temperaturii de concentratia gazelor din amestec. In ultima parte a lucrarii sunt prezentate metodele de cercetare a performantelor antideflagrante ale capsularilor de motoare electrice folosite in laboratorul de profil al INSEMEX Petrosani, precum si principalele concluzii care se desprind din analiza efectuata.

Cuvinte cheie: capsulare antideflagranta, motoare electrice, netransmitere a unei explozii.

Abstract: The purpose of the present paper is to perform a critical analysis over the most important causes that lead to the explosion transmission ( ignition transfer ), during the type tests for the non transmission of an internal explosion, in the case of electric motors designed to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres of gases, vapors or mists with air. In the first part of the paper there are presented the technical criteria which lay at the basis of the researches regarding flameproof enclosures, that is: the mechanical resistance of the enclosures, function of the maximum explosion pressures, on one hand, and the features of the flameproof enclosures as regards the non transmission of an internal explosion, on the other hand. Further on, there are presented several theoretical aspects regarding the study of the process of ignition transfer, observing the important dependency of the reaction speed and temperature with the concentration of the explosive mixture. The last part of the paper presents some means of research of the performances of the flameproof enclosures of electrical motors, used in the specialized laboratory of INSEMEXPetrosani, as well as the main conclusions which can be drawn after the performed analysis.

Keywords: flameproof enclosure, electrical motor, ignition transfer